Braking efficiency inspection
First establish the braking efficiency of the individual axles on the roller dynamometer in accordance with vehicle inspection guidelines, using a one-point extrapolation. If the overall braking efficiency exceeds the minimum statutory requirements, no further action must be taken.
Please submit the extrapolation with the invoice.
Safety Inspection
Inspect all brakes in accordance with Directive SI080 and replace defective brakes where necessary. After replacement of a brake, ensure the brake is functioning correctly by testing it on the roller dynamometer.
Extensive safety inspection
1. Safety inspection
Inspect all brakes in accordance with Directive SI080 and replace defective brakes where necessary. After replacement of a brake, ensure the brake is functioning correctly by testing it on the roller dynamometer.
2. Obtain a read-out of the operating data memory.
Please send the file to, giving the VIN.
3. Check the thickness of the brake pads and brake disk thickness, i.e. degree of wear, and enter both sets of data on the data sheet.