Zapoznajemy Państwa z:
Presentation of SAF-HOLLAND products - service and repair; presenting guarantee procedures

To szkolenie jest odpowiednie zwłaszcza dla:
Executives, employees and mechanics in repair shops and customer service.

Data/Miejsce/Język Cena

Zapoznajemy Państwa z:
· Practical decision guidance: which fifth wheel is suitable for a specific application?
· Error analysis and error rectification in specific cases of operation
· Maintenance and repair options
· Performing active group work on models and their evaluation
· Tips and tricks

To szkolenie jest odpowiednie zwłaszcza dla:
Executives, employees and mechanics in repair shops and customer service.
The course is limited to about ten participants.

Data/Miejsce/Język Cena

Zapoznajemy Państwa z:
· Practical decision guidance: which suspension product is suitable for a specific application?
· Getting to know various suspension systems
· Installation guidelines
· Operating modes

To szkolenie jest odpowiednie zwłaszcza dla:
Employees in the domain of vehicle manufacturing (development and engineering).
The course is limited to about ten participants.

Data/Miejsce/Język Cena


Lea Pfannmüller

Training Coordinator